Steve Smiths Shooting Ground

AudioGuard Solutions are family-run business company with long backgrounds in Shooting, Swimming, Surfing, Heavy Engineering and Construction.
AudioGuard Solutions will work with you to satisfy all your hearing protection needs. They provide irrigation prior to impression taking for people who would otherwise be unable to have the impressions taken.
AudioGuard Solutions are predominantly mobile. They will visit your home, club or workplace to carry out the impression taking. They can also be found at Game Fairs, County Shows, Club Meets, and much more. AudioGuard Solutions can also collect modules due for a service, making annual servicing easy and hassle free.
Contact AudioGuard Solutions to arrange impressions at Steve Smiths Shooting Ground or in a place to suit you.
- 07709 768538 | 08:00 - 20:00
Horton Grange Road
NE13 7AB
Newcastle Upon Tyne